The Lebanese Club of Ottawa is a non profit organization under the Ontario Provincial Government. It consists of 20+ dedicated, passionate, and hardworking board members and advisors working within the Ottawa and the Lebanese community making LCO the most effective Lebanese organization in the area, with a mission of solidarity, unity, acceptance and loyalty between the Lebanese community members and the Ottawa community as a whole. Whether it is spreading and preserving our very rich culture, or helping new Lebanese comers settle in, or helping students find exciting new job opportunities, or raising money for national and international organizations, or supporting Lebanese businesses, or simply throwing Lebanese parties like no one has ever before, LCO is your ultimate resource where culture meets lifestyle.
Culture - Lifestyle - Unity
Our Mission
Is spreading and preserving our very rich culture, helping new Lebanese comers settle in, helping students find exciting new job opportunities, raising money for national and international organizations, supporting Lebanese businesses, or simply throwing Lebanese parties like no one has ever before!

Our Vision
Solidarity, Unity, Acceptance and Loyalty between the Lebanese community members and the Ottawa community as a whole.